To keep healthcare delivery costs under control, hospital systems have begun using data technologies to keep better track of patients before, during and after their episodes of care. This proactive approach means healthcare providers can identify hidden risks and intervene before minor health problems turn into larger problems or before costs spiral out of control.
Health systems should be tracking their medical equipment the same way.
With full transparency into what medical devices are in use at which sites—and what phase of its lifecycle each individual device has reached—administrators can ensure a high quality of patient care while keeping their equipment’s Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) in line.
The innovation cycle is faster in healthcare than in other areas of technology, and letting equipment fall out of date can endanger patients.
For many health systems, tracking wide deployments of medical equipment requires that a large staff pour hours of manual labor into updating spreadsheets. But these are the healthcare providers who have not yet upgraded to a system of technology management that really focuses on TCO. A system that combines vendor-independent human expertise with a customizable, cloud-based technology platform.
While equipment vendors offer TCO analyses for the devices and equipment they sell, these calculations will always be biased in favor of the vendor.
To get a more accurate picture of the true costs, CFOs need to work alongside independent experts like CHG-MERIDIAN who have decades of experience across every phase of the technology lifecycle. Every hospital and health system has different needs, and the financing, leasing and refresh cycle of equipment should be tailored to those needs, from a fleet of IV pumps or automated dispensing cabinets to laptops or tablets.
Our advice ranges from initial audits and help with selecting the right equipment to procurement, onboarding, and integration all the way through to disposal and proper data erasure.
The Technology and Service Management System (TESMA®) for technology management offers health systems a consolidated, one-stop view of their entire technology infrastructure. It keeps tabs on assets and how they’re used, it reduces the workload through automation, driving down Total Cost of Ownership and improving patient care.
What’s more, health systems have found that smart technology management also boosts the satisfaction of physicians, nurses and other staff. Always working with the latest technology can attract and retain key talent.
“If industrial equipment goes out of date, it can make the whole operation less efficient. But if medical equipment goes too long without replacement, it can endanger lives.”
“Automating tasks related to asset tracking means healthcare providers will have more time to take care of patients.”
“The innovation cycle is faster in healthcare, which means health systems need independent experts to help with complex deployments of new technologies.”
I am looking forward to talking about lifecycle management with you.
Vice President of Sales USA